During the weekly AMA session last Friday, CoinMetro CEO, Kevin Murcko, talked about how he sees CoinMetro, blockchain and the Cryptoverse in the following 5–10 years. Here is Kevin speaking.
What are some of the future visions for CoinMetro 5–10 years?
This is a nice VC question!
CoinMetro’s future has less to do with today’s crypto market, than it does to do with the vision of having a completely tokenized capital market infrastructure in the next five years. Tokenizing capital market infrastructure, not just front-end.
CoinMetro is essentially a retail focused front-end ecosystem. Which lots of companies do.
What almost nobody is focusing on, is post-trade, which is what the CSD (central securities depository) does. The goal with the CSD is to create a complete capital market infrastructure that reduces pain points that exist in traditional markets.
Those pain points include the ability to buy and sell easily across borders globally, without having chains of custody which induces latency of settlement. Latency of being able to have Delivery versus Payment. In normal markets, you have to deposit cash into a securities account that can take three days, settlement can take 1–3 days, and the other person to get their cash can take 1–3 days.
Blockchain has the ability to fix all that, but not without infrastructure. CSD being the infrastructure, and CoinMetro being the front-end.
The real end goal is to get into the fully tokenized market. The market allows companies to tokenize pieces of their infrastructure, their debt. All big companies have debt, it’s strategic. The only ones making money on that debt, are institutional investors. These companies can’t get access to money from non-institutional investors.
Tokenization enables many things. It gives people access, immediate transfer of ownership, real-time settlement of transactions, it can transform the way in which modern capital markets work.
That’s the goal!
In 10 years, building out an ecosystem that from the retail side, people can come to CoinMetro and make an investment to earn passive income, do their banking, pay their bills, remittances, trade. A full financial ecosystem, take your banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, brokers, all this merged into one.
5 years: tokenization of capital markets.
10 years: tokenization of everything!